Jumat, 24 November 2017

That Door Has Long Closed

No dear, i'm not the same person who once begged. Years has passed, i've been through many ups and downs without you ever since, and nothing is the same. And yes, i still remember everything, your words, your birthday, your favorite for everything, and those pain. But time never turns back, and everything you just said was years too late. You still the same person you was, but never think for a second that i'm still the same person you knew. I have grown up. I'm growing up, and I will always grow up. So lets close the old story here. Take care and be happy.

Senin, 01 Desember 2014

Dear Miss Brightside

Before you talk something about YOU, words about YOUR feeling, quotes that describes YOU and YOUR tought, or everything YOU'VE done that makes YOURSELF think YOU are good, YOU'VE done everything right, YOU'RE the protagonist who always on the right side, just remember, there is me and other 7 billions of people that live in the same planet as you are who doesnt care about what youve done FOR THE SAKE OF YOURSELF. If you're that good why dont you marry yourself anyway. Stop talking too much - if its only about YOU.

Selasa, 06 Mei 2014


Yes we are wallflowers at the corner of a flower shop. Watch the world spinning. Watch the people picking. Faces pass, eyes glance at us, tell us we are beautiful, but then leave for the roses.

Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Rewriting Memories

Moving on is about rewriting memories.
Just like redecorating your room.
Memindah meja, mengubah posisi lemari, mengatur ulang arah tempat tidur.
Rasanya malas melakukannya kalau dekorasi kamar yang sekarang sudah nyaman.
But just do it! Do something new, do everything different way.
For a while we'll feel strange, but in time you'll surprise how you forget your old room decoration in no time at all.

Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014

From Stranger Back to Stranger

I wonder how will you remember me.

As childish guy who pretend to be dull
As a tanned skin guy with an old girl-like jacket
Or just one of blurry faces passed outside your door?

We live in different planet, after all
Sometimes when i miss you,
 the spaces, the distances,
 the truth that we will never meet again in this lifeline,

 is killing..

Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

I dont believe myself anymore
I dont believe my dreams and plans
I dont believe my blogs

And i really hate today

Kamis, 26 September 2013

Send it In A Letter, Make Yourself Feel Better

Perfect 'Me Time' adalah ketika gue punya segelas teh tarik panas, sekantung besar popcorn Indomaret, berada di depan blog sendiri, dan NGGAK PUNYA seseorang yang harus dipikirkan *ahak*
*Forever alone mode ON*

By the way, nggak kerasa yaa, ternyata hari ini blog ini tepat berusia 6 tahun loh! HBD my blog, GBU! *penting banget*. Ceritanya tadi iseng buka-buka blog ini, liat postingan pertama, eh ternyata kebetulan banget posting pertama saya di blog ini bertanggalkan hari ini, tepat 6 tahun yang lalu. Keren kaan? Dalam 6 tahun hanya pernah dibuka 66 kali (dan 99% dari trafik saya sendiri), nggak pernah ganti template, tanpa follower, dan blog ini masih eksis, sodara-sodara! I'm proud of it, perfect hideaway B-)

Apa kabar sixcycle ya, jangan-jangan blog saya yg satu itu bentar lagi masuk 1 dekade..

Well, barusan iseng baca-baca posting-posting lama di blog ini. Sekedar untuk mencari jejak-jejak kenangan lama yang mungkin masih bisa diingat. Haha, nggak pentiing ya. Saking selow-nya hidup gue -__-

Makin kesini makin ngakak-ngakak sendiri menyadari bahwa saya pernah sebegitu alay-nya. Nulis kata-kata cinta-cintaan lebay bin labil. Walaupun nggak disangkal ya, kadang gue masih pengen ngerasain gimana rasanya bener-bener suka lagi sama orang, sampai repot-repot nulis postingan berbau cinta-cintaan macem gitu.

Karena makin berumur, makin susah suka sama orang. Entah kapan terakhir kali gue suka sama orang yang bener-bener muncul dari perasaan, tanpa intervensi dari logika. Sekarang jadi ngerti kenapa banyak orang dewasa yang bilang true love doesn't exist. Karena intervensi dari logika kita. Gimana kita bisa mengagumi seseorang apa adanya, ketika logika kita berkata "memangnya bisa ngasih makan anak pake cinta", atau "enakan nyari yang udah mapan, biar nggak suram ntar".

Plain stupid. Fyuhh, saya benci jadi "dewasa" -__-

Ngomong-ngomong tentang dewasa, what is 'maturity' anyway? Akhir-akhir ini gue sering banget denger seseorang ngomong "ure just kid", "kekanak-kanakan", dsb. What's maturity anyway? Financially settled, know how to behave, gentle, open-minded, whatever? Kalau memang iya, bahkan orang 'dewasa' pun tetap bisa melakukan hal-hal bodoh, menyimpang, dan keluar dari norma. Well for me, maturity is knowing what's right and what's wrong. That's all. Screw with behave, settle, gentle, or whatever.

Ah sudahlah, makin ngaco aja tulisan gue. Mendadak jadi hilang mood buat nulis. See ya next time.